Let’s Do It World!
“Let’s Do It World!” is a nationwide campaign for cleaning the world with joint efforts. Ninety-four countries all over the globe have joined the cleanup project so far with the purpose to help making the world a cleaner and more pleasant place to inhabit. This project represents cleaning the given country in one day.
Every year, for several years now, each country chooses certain dates on which they organise certain events connected with the “big cleanup”. First, they mark territories and places with the largest amounts of waste and they make a map pointing the most urgent ones that need to be cleaned up first. By this moment, statistic shows, there are 24001 points on the world trash map that have been discovered and marked and they are either already cleaned up or are waiting their turn. This is a big number and all this is done on a large scale, it does not just concern several countries but the whole world.
The next step in “Let’s do it world” is defining a date on which each country will be cleaned. As soon as the date is settled, it is announced on national TV so that all people could learn about the initiative and decide if they would take part in it. Every year, more and more people around the world embrace the initiative and clean their countries together. Thousands of people go out on their chosen date; they disregard their own duties and responsibilities in order to contribute to their society. Numerous schools, universities, companies, non-governmental organisations and ordinary citizens volunteer in the project. And the results are at hand, there are no illegal dumping-grounds and no dirty zones after the cleanup. The country’s streets, parks, highways, mountains and beaches are clean, nice and welcoming to the people living in this country as well as to its visitors and tourists.
So, the conclusion by this worldwide campaign is that everything is possible as long as it is wanted. Clearly, it is even possible to clean the world in one day as unbelievable as it sounded to all of us in the beginning. Together we proved that any purpose can be achieved when we plan it and fulfil it with desire and enthusiasm. Yet, we could do better because thousands of people from a country are not enough as there are millions living in it. If everyone realises that we are the ones whom the cleanliness of the environment depends on and take this issue to heart taking part in such initiatives we will all live in a better place and will be better. Let’s keep our world clean, let’s do it, world!