How To Avoid Fire Hazards While Spring Cleaning
You probably don’t know this, but spring cleaning can provide many chances for a fire. Here are some tips as to how to avoid fire hazards during cleaning:
1. Don’t store cleaning chemicals under your sink. Throw out any old ones, and better look for natural cleaning solutions.
2. Search your closets, basements and attics for items that can catch on fire. Boxes, old books and papers, linens and mattresses can easily succumb to even the smallest sparkle. Donate items that are still usable, and dispose of junk.
3. Maintain your garden – trim the plants, bushes and trees, weed regularly and don’t let the grass die – dry grass catches on fire very easily.
4. Keep all vegetation at least 10 feet away from the house.
5. Clean the roofs and gutters of any leaves and other dirt.
6. Don’t forget to keep a fire extinguisher at home, and if a fire breaks out, call 999 from a neighbour’s house, if you don’t have your handy with your.