Keep Your Computer Clean
One should always keep one’s computer clean. This is how it goes with Windows. You let the system become bloated, you have to pay somebody to clean it for you, or possibly – reinstall your operating system. Those two are both unpleasant options for two reasons. The first reason is – because you’re left without a computer until it is cleaned or fixed. And you might as well start cleaning your room, your flat and possibly – your office (yes, the lack of a PC can make go there), because your beloved PC isn’t coming back soon. The second reason is – because you might lose valuable information. There is, of course the question – simply why do you have to go through all of this if you can follow a few simple tips and tricks in order to prolong the life of your system? Note that although it may cost you some initial investment, the steps you may take will save you money in the long run. Note, also, that this guide is for beginners. Are you ready? Good, let’s carry on then, shall we?
First of all, it would be a good idea to have an image of your cleanly and freshly installed operating system. There are tons of software that will let you do that and you can buy it from anywhere or order it on the Web – it’s fast and relatively cheap. Read some reviews before ordering. When you pick and install it, it enables you to create an image file of your operating system and the installed programs at the moment so it’s a good idea to have everything prepared before proceeding with this step. When you’re done, you can always use the image in order to restore your system back to this point. It serves as a system backup – always good to have.
Other valuable pieces of software are the cleaning programs. Before ordering, of course, look at the prices and read some reviews (note that what works for me may not work for you and vice versa). They clean up your computer from the megabytes and megabytes of junk it constantly gets from the Internet as you surf the Web.
A good anti-virus is always good to have. Protect you PC well, clean up the software (and hardware, it’s not complicated, really) and have a backup by hand at any time. Just in case, you might use cloud storage for your most valuable files. Trust me – this will save you a lot of headaches in the future.